Coming to a church service for the first time can be a little bit daunting. Even if you're a seasoned church attender, a new church with new people can quickly have you outside your comfort zone. The following is some information you might find useful for your first visit.
We gather to worship together at 10:30am on Sundays. Each service lasts approximately 70 minutes. Directions to our gatherings can be found here.
Our Small Group Sunday School starts at 9:30am for all ages. Childcare is provided during our Worship Service for kids ages newborn to 4 years old. Check-In begins at 9:15am for Small Group SS and 10:15am for Worship Service.
There will be a time at the beginning of our gathering where we will make some announcements and pray together as a congregation. We would also be honored to pray for you and your loved ones personally. If you’d like for us to pray for you, please feel free to talk with one of our pastors following the service, and/or fill out a prayer request card that you can find in the back of our chairs, and place it in one of our offering boxes at either entrance to the place of our worship gathering.
We take an offering each Sunday where our members and regular attenders will give a tithe of their income to support our efforts to fulfill God’s mission in our community and around the world. We do this as an offering to God, thanking Him for what He has blessed us with in our lives. As our guest, please do not feel obligated to contribute anything financially. All we’d like from you is your contact information so we can contact you and let you know how happy we are to have you with us this week. You can give us your contact information on a card in the back of each chair, and hand it to one of our welcome team members or put it in the box located on the wall outside the worship room.
When you arrive you will hear music that spans the ages. We are excited about worshipping together and look forward to meeting you!
Every week someone will stand before us and preach the Word of God. This is the center of our Sunday morning worship gathering. This is where we are inspired and transformed by God’s self-revelation (the Bible) as it is proclaimed to us through the lens of the gospel or good news about Jesus. This portion of our gathering usually lasts about 40 minutes.
On a regular basis, we also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. This is something we do that signifies our unity with Christ, and we encourage all followers of Jesus to participate in this portion of our services with us, but don’t feel obligated.
Dress in whatever clothes you feel are appropriate. Some people wear jeans, while others wear slacks or dresses. There is no dress code. Just come!